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There is a special place in our heart for Troutville, Virginia, the mountains she is nestled between, her care for Appalachian Trail Hikers, the love demonstrated by her townspeople, and the friendship she has with her sweet neighboring communities.


You know those times in your life when your heart is so full of affection and appreciation for something you think ... "this might just explode!" or "If I don't tell someone, I'm gonna burst!" Our sentiments exactlyBut, instead of bursting - we're going to share with and educate you on that which stirs our affections...Troutville... in hopes that it might do the same for you. 

Troutville, Virginia: a community built on brotherhood. Did you know that? 

In the weeks, months and years to come, you will find this site filled with writings inspired by the Troutville, Virginia communities of Amsterdam, Brughs Mill, Daleville, Nace, and Troutville herself. History. Heritage. Memoirs. Sentiments. Things perhaps long forgotten. We'll look to the past, from time-to-time highlight the present, and maybe even venture as far as to talk about the future. We live in an exciting time within Botetourt County, but to forget our past would be a tragic disservice to both our forefathers and future generations. Join us in our quest to preserve and make available to our community, children, and the strangers passing through - the stories which make our Troutville, so very special and so very dear.

A note from the editor....

Hi there, y'all (and welcome!),

As a second generation Troutvillian, I've spent over a decade trying really hard to escape my simple country roots. From working in several major US cities, to traveling across America for business and exploration, to wandering through Europe, Asia or the Middle East whenever the urge strikes... what I have found is: there actually is nothing like the joys of the simple life in Troutville and Botetourt County. I was raised in a place of untapped wonder and surrounded by the indescribable beauty of nature, largely untouched. Not to mention, amazing amazing people.

So please join me (and hopefully, some new friends) in our unveiling of a community focused website, collection of writings, and a future gathering place for our folks to get and share some good info, snag some free stuff, and find some untapped resources. I'm pumped. 


With love & affection for both Troutville and you,


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